You are Citizen of Hong Kong (HKSAR) or citizen of of other countries who are traveling or working in Hong Kong. You want to apply a Visa to visit Vietnam. You have two options to obtain your visa to Vietnam from Hong Kong:
Vietnamese consulate in Hong Kong
Address: 15/F, Great Smart Tower, 230 Van Chai Road, Wan Chai
地址:5/F, Great Smart Tower, 230 Van Chai Road, Wan Chai
Tel: (852) 2591 4517 or (852) 2591 4510.
電話號碼:(852) 2591 4517 or (852) 2591 4510.
Fee and Duration: Tourist visas cost between $40-120, depending on the length and number of entry.費用和時間:旅遊簽證費用在40-120美元之間,具體取決於入境人數的長短。
Apply for a visa-on-arrival
Note that this type of visa applies to air travel only,and it costs $15 – 45, depending on the duration of stay ad number of entries. The process of applying online at a travel agency is very fast and you do not have to show up at the embassy to submit the application.
請注意,這種類型的簽證僅適用於航空旅行,根據逗留期限和入場次數,費用為15 - 45美元。在旅行社網上申請的過程非常快,您不必在大使館出現提交申請。
By Vietnam visa |  四月 07, 2018
Author: Vietnam visa
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